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You searched for datasets that have been tagged with National Non-Domestic Rating. Please find results below:

Dataset name Description
National Non-Domestic Rates Full Listing 01-May-2017 This dataset contains all current National Non-Domestic Rating Assessments. The dataset represents a snapshot in time and is published on a 6 monthly rolling programme on 1 May and 1 November. The data will be published for the last two years. Each assessment includes the following information: Assessment address, Rateable value, Property description, Reference number, Report extract date, Primary Liable party name, Primary Liable Party Contact Address and Account Start Date The information is reviewed prior to publishing to ensure that any personally identifiable data is removed. However, as all property address information is taken directly from the Valuation Office rating list there may be accounts that contain a personal name where necessary to identify the premise.
National Non-Domestic Rates Full Listing 01-Nov-2015 This dataset contains all current National Non-Domestic Rating Assessments. The dataset represents a snapshot in time and is published on a 6 monthly rolling programme on 1 May and 1 November. The data will be published for the last two years. Each assessment includes the following information: Assessment address, Rateable value, Property description, Reference number, Report extract date, Primary Liable party name, Primary Liable Party Contact Address and Account Start Date The information is reviewed prior to publishing to ensure that any personally identifiable data is removed. However, as all property address information is taken directly from the Valuation Office rating list there may be accounts that contain a personal name where necessary to identify the premise.
National Non-Domestic Rates Full Listing 01-Nov-2016 This dataset contains all current National Non-Domestic Rating Assessments. The dataset represents a snapshot in time and is published on a 6 monthly rolling programme on 1 May and 1 November. The data will be published for the last two years. Each assessment includes the following information: Assessment address, Rateable value, Property description, Reference number, Report extract date, Primary Liable party name, Primary Liable Party Contact Address and Account Start Date The information is reviewed prior to publishing to ensure that any personally identifiable data is removed. However, as all property address information is taken directly from the Valuation Office rating list there may be accounts that contain a personal name where necessary to identify the premise.
National Non-Domestic Rates Full Listing 01-Nov-2017 This dataset contains all current National Non-Domestic Rating Assessments. The dataset represents a snapshot in time and is published on a 6 monthly rolling programme on 1 May and 1 November. The data will be published for the last two years. Each assessment includes the following information: Assessment address, Rateable value, Property description, Reference number, Report extract date, Primary Liable party name, Primary Liable Party Contact Address and Account Start Date The information is reviewed prior to publishing to ensure that any personally identifiable data is removed. However, as all property address information is taken directly from the Valuation Office rating list there may be accounts that contain a personal name where necessary to identify the premise.